Why Aigo?

Aigo is an AGI-based Cognitive AI, a Paradigm-Shift for Conversational AI systems. Aigo delivers Hyper-Personalized Conversational Experiences @Scale for Customers and Employees of Enterprises fundamentally transforming their experience and radically increasing their engagement.

Paradigm shifts in technology fundamentally change the status quo.  

No longer is the same lens applicable to the new paradigm.  


Because Paradigm shifts create a different future that wasn’t possible before. 

But Paradigm shifts in technology requires early adopters while early adopters are empowered by them. 

Early adopters have a compelling vision/problem and are willing to take intelligent risks.  

This compelling vision/problem, underpinned by intelligent risk, ultimately delivers multifold outcomes that were unimaginable. 

It is for this reason, early adopters respond with ‘WHY NOT?’ while others respond with ‘WHY?’. 

Without these early adopters, we wouldn’t have all the wonderful technologies we enjoy today at work and in our personal lives. 

Before the masses moved from: 

Horse to Car  
Candle to Light-Bulb 
Analog to Digital 
On-Premise to Cloud 

there were early adopters who took that intelligent risk by responding ‘WHY NOT?’ 

It all starts with you saying, ‘WHY NOT?’ 

If you are ready to say ‘WHY NOT?’ for a Chatbot with a Brain we want to hear from you. 

Without a Brian, Chatbots & Conversational AI systems act like trained parrots. 

They all use big data, statistical pattern matching approaches and brute force compute hence they do not understand context, cannot offer Hyper-Personalized Service; stifling company’s growth, leaving users frustrated. 

Language works in context. If the context is not taken into consideration, the meaning falls apart.

It is for this reason, we created Aigo – Chatbot with a Brain 

Aigo: Delivers Hyper-Personalized Conversational Experiences at Scale. 

Using Chatbot with a Brain, you are now able to provide Hyper-Personalized Service 24×7, for each customer, for each employee knowing their context, their goals, and preferences. 

Hyper-Personalized service delights Customers and Employees alike, transforms their experience and radically increases their engagement. 

So, why not Aigo?  

Because Customer Engagement Matters. 

Because Employee Engagement Matters.

Your customers and employees deserve Engaging Experiences.

You, the Growth, and the ROI.

Engagement Experiences (#NX) drive Growth – Productivity, Loyalty, Lifetime Value, Wallet Share and Brand Equity.

What’s different about Aigo?

Big Data and Deep Learning (DL) technologies are powerful for pattern recognition, yet they continue to prove that they are inadequate to solve the problem of Intelligent Natural Language Interaction.

Aigo uses ‘Evidence-based Hypothesis’, a radically different approach with no Big Data and no Deep Learning (DL) to solve the problem of Intelligent Natural Language Interaction.

Aigo is the Third Wave of AI as explained by DARPA.

Unlike other Conversational AI companies, Aigo doesn’t deliver bot, Aigo delivers a Brain. The same Brain is used by all chat applications.

Aigo delivers an Enterprise Brain for your organization and a User Brain for each one of your users.

This is the second biggest differentiator of Aigo.

Aigo is hosted Behind your Firewall.
You own the data and the security.

How do enterprise customers benefit from Aigo?

1. Deflect Calls from Call Center
2. Empower Customers with intuitive and interactive self-service
3. Transform Customer Experience (CX)
4. Increase Customer Lifetime Value (LV)
5. Transition Customers to Brand Evangelists

Aigo can be used internally for Employee Experience, Productivity, Engagement & Well-being.

Aigo interacts effectively knowing the 360° View of the Customer.

Aigo becomes your spokesperson delivering personalized experiences for your customers and your employees, anywhere, any time on any device.

Aigo can be white labeled to reflect your brand.

Aigo is hardware agnostic, domain agnostic, and industry agnostic.

Aigo’s Brain can easily scale from 100 users to 100 million users.